Bio Productions Blu Away 750ml & 5ltr

  • Bio Productions Blu Away 750ml & 5ltr
  • Bio Productions Blu Away 750ml & 5ltr


Specially formulated to clean and maintain odour-free washrooms.

Blu Away eradicates organic staining and odour problems from all washroom surfaces, including floors and walls contaminated with urine. Simply spray and wipe all ceramic surfaces to control scale and soiling.

Dilute and swab floors to clean and remove uric scale build-up and urine soiling.

Use Blu Away with Bio Blocks to maintain trouble-free odourless washrooms.

Available in a box of 6 x 750ml and 5ltr

A little information on Bio Productions...

Bio Productions are renowned for their environmental ethos, which underpins everything they do. This includes a rigorous testing programme to ensure products minimise their impact on the environment and are proven to work as effectively as, or better than, conventional chemicals.

Bio-Productions have won multiple “Green Apple” awards for Environmental Best Practice, in recognition of their efforts to reduce the impact of cleaning chemicals in the environment. They are proud to be certified to ISO 14001 (environmental management) and ISO 9001 (Quality management systems).

Type Cleaning chemicals
Vendor Bio productions
Tags Washroom cleaner

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